Michael Strecker is a writer from Louisiana. His debut novel, "The Knights of Wade" was released in the spring of...
Michael Strecker is a writer from Louisiana. His debut novel, "The Knights of Wade" was released in the spring of 2024, by Pelican Publishing. His short fiction has appeared in The Critic and Xavier Review, literary journals that have published such highly regarded authors as Walker Percy, Flannery O?Connor, Graham Greene and Jesmyn Ward. He is a two-time Tennessee Williams Literary Festival Finalist. In addition, he is the author of several books for children published by Sterling Publishing and Pelican. His fourth children?s book is pending publication by Scholastic.
32 S Section St Fairhope AL
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The Alabama state pageant for women ages 60 and above! MSA, Inc. is a nonprofit supporting women and their purpose...
The Alabama state pageant for women ages 60 and above! MSA, Inc. is a nonprofit supporting women and their purpose and together we serve other nonprofits. The pageant is spectacular but only 1 or 150 events we will participate in all year. Come cheer for your favorite delegate. Miss Alabama Bri Burrell is our emcee this year along with many other amazing talents!
2603 US Highway 98 Daphne
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